Maths for early years
Winter subitising 1-5
Winter themed subitising patterns and numbers 1-5 to match.
Winter domino mats
Different winter themed domino mats.
Chinese New Year envelopes 1-10
Add the correct number of coins/objects to the envelops 1-10.
Chinese New Year envelopes and other images included for display.
Christmas ordering shortest to tallest
A selection of different Christmas images to order from shortest to tallest. Can be used as a cut and stick activity or as images cut up for the children to sort.
Christmas jumper ordering 1-5
Order the Christmas jumpers on the washing from 1-5.
Christmas dominoes - subitising
A set of Christmas dominoes.
Christmas wreath subitising
Cut out the number baubles and stick on the matching subitising spots.
Play dough - add baubles to the Christmas trees
Add the correct number of bauble to the Christmas trees.
Repeating pattern winter scarf
Stripped scarf outline. Can be coloured, painted or loose parts used to create a repeating pattern.
2D Christmas shapes
Match the 2D shape to the Christmas picture.
Cut and stick Christmas tree
Cut the strips and arrange in order from longest to shortest to build the Christmas tree.
5 and 10 frames
5 frames with numbers 1-5. Blank 5 frames.
Blank 10 frames.
Numbers 1-10 to be used alongside the frames.
Winter Bundle
8 different winter activities -
Find the tricky words hidden in the winter scene- phase 2 and 3.
Read the CVC word / caption and match to the picture in the snowglobe.
Paint/colour the hat, scarf and mittens.
Repeating pattern scarf.
Winter domino mats.
Race to the snowman games - phase 2 and 3.
Winter loose parts board.
Winter subitising cards 1-5.
Chinese Dragon cut and stick 1-10
Order the numbers 1-10 to make a Chinese dragon.
Repeating pattern version included and dragons to print and display.